Friday, March 22, 2013


"Tell your dad to get you a car for your internship! You need and deserve the freedom that having your own vehicle affords you," a friend told me when I visited her after my exams. "Hmmmm.... Freedom! Now that sounds romantic," I said to myself and fantasized about driving through the streets of Coimbatore in my own vehicle. That felt like fun!

Before I could even ask him, my dad took the liberty of placing an order for a brand new Swift, just before I returned home after my final exams. All I had to do now was to accept it graciously and thank him for it. And I did exactly that.

Let it be known here that I am not the best of drivers. Unlike many of my friends I love the passenger seat better than the driver's. It gives you a lot of space for contemplation, space to really immerse your entire being into music while whirring past busy cities. But 'driving' to me is work. Moreover unlike many of you I'am not turned on by cars - for me it is just a mode of transport like any other vehicle. There is no denying the fact that they are status symbols but I don't care!

So this morning, right on time to be called a Graduation present, comes the news that my new car is ready for delivery. And guess how I felt? Trapped! There was no trace of the independence that I was supposed to be feeling. This had nothing to do with the fact that I couldn't parallel-park with confidence. Maybe it did, but I don't know. A car means responsiblity. Somehow I think if I took the car back to college my mind would be preoccupied the whole time with the well-being of the car. Remember how as a child we were reluctant to take the brand new Eraser, that our uncle from the United States gifted us, to school for the fear of others damaging it or worse losing it? That is exactly how I'am feeling. So I am mulling over whether I should indeed take it to college or leave it behind. Some serious guidance needed here!

I went back to college today to apply for Provisional Registration with the MCI so that we can be officially let loose on the patients of PSG Hospital. Can't deny that I felt proud! Very proud indeed!

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