Thursday, March 21, 2013


Dear Friends and Family,

Looking back at today I wonder. Is it just me or does everyone get to go through this rare moment in Life? I went to bed last night - a confused and confusing mixture of a child, an adolescent and an adult in the nascent stages of adulthood but I woke this morning as an Adult. It's strange how one piece of news can bring about such a big metamorphosis. This piece of transforming information was the news that I had passed my Final MBBS exam! So unlike most other human beings I can tell the exact time I became an adult - 21st March, 2013 at 6:20 AM !

Eyes weighed down by the thick mist of early morning drowsiness I picked up my mobile to see a number of missed calls and messages and the one message that caught my eye - "Results have come. You have passed!" And I didnt react. I was still caught in the throes of sleep that my mind just refused to get excited. I woke my mom and told her the news and guess what? She too didn't react. I trudged out of my bedroom in what I now recollect as a state of trance and verified that I had indeed passed. Next thing I knew I was by reflex typing out a message to my special someone to share the good news first!

Then I put up a status on Facebook proclaiming myself to be a Doctor and then spent the rest of the day completely flattered by the number of "like"s I was getting on my Wall Post! Still I was not excited or raring to jump off the roof; not even elated. In part this may have been due to the fact that unlike the previous years I was fairly confident of passing this time!

If at all I was feeling anything I was feeling all grown up! I wasn't feeling "Doctorish" as many would have assumed but I felt I had become an adult henceforth responsible for what I make of my Life!  For the first time I was able to look into my future without being gripped by fear. Somehow passing FINAL YEAR MBBS, one of the toughest examination on the planet, gives you that confidence. Like the safe zones in Reality Game Shows, you now feel that however badly you screw up in Life there is always this degree which will help you find the next meal - worst case scenario!

The only emotion that broke through to me was 'anticipation'. Anticipation to embark on the exciting journey as an intern at PSG Hospitals for a year. A year that I'd rather not speculate upon right away. Instead I want to let it unfold at its own pace. I wish to maintain a record, a digital record, of what I go through in this one very important year in my journey through Life and hence this blog came about. This is very much a personal account of Life that I write as much for myself as for any other person who maybe interested in reading it.


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